We are a Pregnancy Ultrasound & Wellness Clinic located in Edmonton, AB
Freedom+ Vitality Seat™
为了预订医疗的像超声检查或医疗咨询这样的预约,需要您的初级保健提供者(家庭医生、助产士、NP 或 OBGYN 医生)的转介。

The Freedom Vitality Seat™ can help with:
Pelvic Floor Function
Urinary Incontinence
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Weak Postpartum Pelvic Floor
Chronic Low Back Pain
Erectile Dysfunction
Body Composition Fat Reduction

Issues with incontinence?
Activate and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to the core. The Vitality Plus™ Seat activates powerful and intense contractions with Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS). Target these deep muscles increasing muscle volume and activating the regenerative potential necessary for patients’ recovery and wellbeing. Engage key muscles which can only be activated with powerful FMS technology to restore pelvic floor function and control. Get your freedom back with Freedom+™. Milestones’ team is trained to facilitate treatment using the FREEDOM+™ Vitality PlusTM Seat.
Is Pelvic Organ Prolapse reversible?
Activate and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to the core. The Vitality Plus™ Seat activates powerful and intense contractions with Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS). Target these deep muscles increasing muscle volume and activating the regenerative potential necessary for patients’ recovery and wellbeing. Engage key muscles which can only be activated with powerful FMS technology to restore pelvic floor function and control. Get your freedom back with Freedom+™. Milestones’ team is trained to facilitate treatment using the FREEDOM+™ Vitality PlusTM Seat.

How it Works

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) Freedom+™ stimulation targets the pelvic and/or pudendal nerves, and the external sphincters. Consequently, restoring PFM muscle integrity
In Urge Urinary Incontinence, (UUI) Freedom+™ targets the afferent branches of the pudendal nerve are stimulated to inhibit the detrusor muscle through central reflexes; at the same time, the efferent nerve branches are also stimulated to facilitate strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles and increase the tonus of the urethral sphincters.